![HI Everyone! In case you did not see our announcement.... Nûby USA is launching a NEW range of Clik-it™ cups in Target stores. The Clik-it™ range will be available in stores on July 29th! The Clik-it™ range of Nûby cups features the NEW Clik-it™ system. Mom hears the 'Click' and knows it's locked! We will be giving away this NEW range all week long. Get them before they go in stores with our Clik it Giveaways going on all Week! The first giveaway starts today at 1:30pm CT! #nubyclikit We hope you all will show support and post the above text & below graphic on your personal and blog Facebook pages! Please comment below once you have put the posted the photo on your pages. Thanks again for all your support of the Nuby brand! From everyone at Nuby we hope you all have a great week! @[34204626:2048:Allison Jemes]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/s403x403/1044783_990770975203_909252736_n.jpg)
Nûby USA is launching a NEW range of Clik-it™ cups in Target stores. The Clik-it™ range will be available in stores on July 29th!
... The Clik-it™ range of Nûby cups features the NEW Clik-it™ system. Mom hears the 'Click' and knows it's locked!
We will be giving away this NEW range all week long. Get them before they go in stores with our Clik it Giveaways going on all Week! The first giveaway starts today at 1:30pm CT! #nubyclikit