This is a review from Handbags By Ann. If you supper from back pain you need to visit their site and take a look around. Here is what they say about it...
Back pain is a common problem. Women of all ages can relate to this problem when they carry a handbag. You buy the designer bag and you love it until you start switching shoulders because of the aches and pains. We know, we've been there too. So what do you do? You have one of those moments where you start thinking about what you can sacrifice to make the bag lighter. Does that work? No. Do you every buy a bag because, "it looks sturdy, it must be made well"? This is where Handbags by Ann steps in. Our bags are determined to make this back pain virtually disappear!
Handbags by Ann are handcrafted bags that are designed to be lightweight and easier on your shoulders. The fabric that the bags are made from are smooth, lightweight vinyl that have an incredibly flexible feel. The bags can carry all your essentials with a nice feel on your shoulder and virtually roll up at the end of the day! Yes, I said ROLL UP. The vinyl is flexible enough to bend and twist like no bag you will find in stores! Our bags are competitively the lightest bags on the market.
Imagine yourself with a Business Tote going out and about for the day. You pack your handbag with your wallet, keys, sunglasses, pens, chap stick, feminine products and your phone. You head out for this adventurous day and you notice that you keep forgetting where your back pain is! And you come to find out that it is gone. Gone!
I was sent their Business Tote which retails for $30.00
This bag has room for the bigger essentials you might need to carry. This bag can come in FOUR colors:, Brown, White, Maroon, Black. Dimensions: H:12" L:18" W:4"
The inside of the bag is lined in purple and it is really nicely made.
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I received this item for review purposes. My opinions are honest and I was not paid for this review.